Facebook chatwala
Google, in all these years, and more recently facebook. These two websites have been taking over our personal lives like never before. Social networking sites have become a way of expression for many, and life would have sure been incomplete without these sites. The whole world has shrunk, and it is quite important in this […]
BOSS – Add as friend
I recently saw “THE SOCIAL NETWORK”, and what a movie (the review would soon be up). The movie got me thinking about the phenomena that facebook has become, and how much and integral part it has become in our lives. One of my friend, pursuing her MBA, had recently stated, “ we are in an […]
Shower up!
Happy Diwali folks. I know it is too late, and inspite of all the promises during the launch, I have not updated for sometime now. Well, I was on a holiday, and I strongly have a clear work life balance. Phew! Also have been travelling, across south india of late. Nothing close to the travel […]
Heart vs. Mind
This quintessential fight between the heart and the mind keeps happening all the time. I am sure each on of us regularly face this dilemma, and come to a standstill where we have to select a path. And that, as iterated in the previous post, leads to confusion. Opportunity?? It’s typical in our society to […]
Sexy smart phone users
The usage of smart phones in the country has gone up manifold, and more and more people everyday are getting hooked to it. The strange urge to check your mail, FB, twitter updates every two minutes, and your phone beeping every moment has captured the young and the old alike in the country. India, on […]