The Krishna Key – Book Review
I was an avid book buyer till recently. Yes, a book buyer. At any point of time, there would be at least five unread books on my table. And none of my travel packing was complete without stuffing in two – three books at least. Even if it is a two day trip. This was […]

STEVE JOBS – Book Review
I like reading, and biographies/ Autobiographies are one of my favorite genre. Last year, sometime in October, I laid my hands on “STEVE JOBS”, by Walter Issacson, but like every other book, it was just gathering dust on my rather overcrowded desk. Looking at the massive book itself, intimidated me. 800 odd Pages! I need […]
Transganization – Book Review
“The process of changing the organizational genetics at the time of changing market scenario or changing business model or during the phase-shift from one state to another is called TransGanization”. This is how the author defines the word transganization. The book, recently published by times books, makes it for an easy read. It is a […]
Bol – Movie Review
Of late, I have not watched many movies on my laptop. Well, Mumbai does not leave you with much time for such activites. Yesterday, I got free from office quite early and started walking back home. On the way back, I just chanced upon the DVD of this Pakistani movie Bol. I remember watching khuda […]
Revolution 2020 – Book Review
Chetan Bhagat is still the rockstar of Indian writing, and his fifth book just reaffirms the same. A modest story set in a small town, with typical elements of love, Ambition, Corruption, system and YOUTH, laden with a liberal dose of sex. A total potboiler. The setting is again in a college, though in a […]