Dissenting Diagnosis- Book Review
A couple of years back i fell seriously ill and did the rounds of doctors and hospitals for a good period of time. The confusing maze of doctors, hospitals, specialists, affiliations, diagnostic centres, medicines, and the quest to be fit and fine again. In this quest to live a “normal” life again, any human would […]

When Breath becomes Air – Book Review
Paul Kalanithi was a 36 years old Man, on the verge of completing his decade long training to be a nuero surgeon. He was on the cusp of a bright life ahead with a promising future and disaster strikes. He is diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. A doctor living to treat the dying is […]
Intimidating Choices
What do you do on a lazy sunday morning? Read the newspapers? Generally chill around? Go for a run? Play Badminton? Work out? So many options right? And still most of us are confused and bored and don’t understand what to do. We just while away our time, watching TV on mute (yes, that is […]
Breakout Nations – Book Review
BreakOut Nations is the book that i can credit as the one that i have read for the longest period! I had bought this book sometime in 2012 reading about it in a in-flight magazine i guess. The topic of the book was quite curious – travelogue, economics and Business mixed into one. The core […]
The Perfect Vacation – Maldives
What is an ideal vacation? The dictionary meaning of the word is – “an extended period of recreation, especially one spent away from home or in traveling”. Recreation, adventure, learning – it all boils down to one thing. Experience. Vacation is our way to create experiences. Our trip to Maldives last January was one such […]