>My left INDEX finger is marked!
> For the past many weeks we have been hearing stuff on elections – the biggest reality show of India, staged once in five years. This year, due to ample time at my disposal, and interest, I have been following the elections quite closely. In spite of this I have not really felt the urge […]
>Movie time.. April 2009
> These times of full vela time is the right time to fulfil all the backlog work that has been pending since long. And well, what better than view all the movies that I always wanted to watch. Right from the first year at L, many of my friends have been hooked to TV series […]
>Of Chocolates, votes and Nano
> Life has got back to the normal human being timings, and I am finding it hard to get back to normalcy. Two years of MBA does change a person a lot. I have been home from since two odd weeks, and have literally done nothing. In spite of my ideas and various desires, I […]
>German police! huh
> I thought only Indian police went on trials to search for things untraceable, for years. But, the German Police has left me in splits after doin this. Police in Germany hunted a sinister phantom killer for two years after finding the same DNA at 39 different crime scenes – only to discover that the […]
> Huh! Long time, was on a long country wide trip along with Mom and Dad. Was fun. The entire trip has been aptly named Teerthaliya. Finally back home last Sunday, and now I feel a little settled. After lots of initial small problems of bike, television, internet, etc. the most important of all was […]