An article in the Times of India today got me thinking –
Pooja, an attractive Marwari girl, lives life on her terms
… she settled for an engineer plus MBA type with a good Singapore job, a prospect meticulously arranged by a network of relatives. And that is how she ended up with a banking career and a failed marriage. (He snored, followed his mother’s dictum, lost heavily in the stock market and came home to slumberland). Pretty soon, she was out of there, with a lot of family support and very little alimony…
(Source : TOI )
Today’s woman. Who lives life on her own terms! She has put in no less effort than a man, in building her world, and wants to live it in her own way!
It is the Indian Man who still needs to come to terms with this fact. For long, for us Indians, women are supposed to be married off maximum by the age of 25, and working or not, are supposed to be taking care of all the household chores. That is how it has been, and it works perfectly in the favour of men.
What really tickled me, and interested me, were the reasons mentioned in the bracket for the failed marriage – He snored, followed his mother’s dictum, lost heavily in the stock market and came home to slumberland.
- He Snored – Now is that such a serious offence that it leads to a failed marriage? You can just go to the next room to sleep, or maybe just get used to the snore sounds. Big Deal. What if you stay in a house close to the railway track, or the sea? You do get used to the Sounds of the train and the sounds of the Waves all night right?
- Followed his mother’s dictum – it is called respect, and speaks volumes of his upbringing. The first lady in his life is his mother, and she has taken care of him since ever. She is now old, and deserves every bit of attention from him. So what if he listens to her? Should he not? If he does not, then that could be a very valid reason for the so called “failed marriage” not if he does!
Lost heavily in the stock market – The very foundation of a marriage is that the partner would be the support during both happy times and sad times. Now if he has lost heavily in the stock market, he is going through a bad time. If that makes it a reason for you to dump him, and make it more worse for him, God save him. The guy should actually feel lucky that it resulted into a failed marriage, rather than waiting for an even worse time. Now at least it is clear!
- Came home to slumberland – Why is that a reason at all? Not coming home to sleep can be a reason! After a hard day at office, all that one wants is to retire to the bed. You, a working woman, of all people should understand this completely. And you term this as a reason for a failed marriage? What do you expect?
These are the reasons that the present day modern couples need to end their marriage! What a sham!!
Your post is a timely cobotinuritn to the debate
Nameste. That is, “this is a Holy season for me, and in that spirit I am offering you a well wishing coming from my belief.”When I offer the same wishes to someone I know I tend to style it so that it fits both of our faiths. So, the Hindu co-worker gets a “Blessed Holiday”. He smiles and offers a blessing back knowing that I offer such wishes only during my holy season and not his. Further, I know he appreciates the fact that I am aware of his faith and that I offer those holiday wishes in a manner that allows him to share in the act.
Hi Sean,I just want to say Happy New Year in case I do not get a chance. Detours and roadblocks prevent us from us there to where we want to go…Maybe that will be my next poem..Detours and Roadblocks…if I do write it, I will dedicate to you…cheers…You truly have become my 2011 inspiration for living, loving and learning…-Anthony
Hi South Paw Beagle! Looked up “Jim Bunning and Tough Shit” in the WordPress search and found your site. I am so happy to find people who think as I that the Rethuglicans are batshit fu**ing nuts! In my 48 years I never thought I’d see such a bunch of hypocritical, lying, cheating, stealing robonuts as the GOP! Thanx for a site where we can let off some steam! Love, Joanaroo
Great post! I haven't told many people this, but I used to belly dance. It was the whole thing about being married to an Arab. LOL!! Before that I really loved to dance to rock n' roll. LOL!! I think I was pretty good at both, but it has been a long time now! If I try to dance now, it is so hard to get going.
I don’t think you are smoking crack. I do think that Noriega now cares more about getting along then standing her ground. However she is a nice lady, she will meet and talk to you. I respect the family. I would also hope that she becomes a little more aggressive but that is just me.
Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend fiuingrg this one out!
Jan, You can substitute brown sugar for white (you mean mascobado, right? Not piloncillo. Brown sugar is fine, the taste will just be a little different–probably better!