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Evolution of Industries

Evolution of Industries

“Hedge Fund takes reins of family-run McClatchy newspaper chain” This is the headline in a business page of today’s new York times. Such headlines have become all but too common in the recent past with legacy firms selling to finance companies for a small percentage of what they were once worth. In this case an […]


A very productive habit that I have picked up during this lock down is the daily practice of meditation. Early morning, no matter what, that is one of the first thing I clock in, no matter what. It has been immensely satisfying and while it is tough to quantify the impact, I clear feel a […]

2020 – a roller coaster!

Been sometime that I have scribbled anything here and like each time, life takes over. This year has been one roller coaster ride with so much going on, and yet nothing really happening. A paradox. Time has been moving rather fast this year with a global pandemic seizing the world. Life has been one roller […]