Sitting in my 10th floor balcony, sipping on hot green tulsi tea. This is the perfect way to spend a Sunday evening. Add some interesting company to this, and there is nothing in this world that could beat this experience. (Working on this bit, to solve the imbroglio forever!)
Even alone, the Sunday evening has much to offer. It is the solitude rather that is therapeutic. The perfect time to reflect on the week gone, and to plan the week ahead.
I know of many people who loathe at Sunday evenings. The very mention of the Sunday evening gives a very depressing feel to many. I was one if them not very long ago. I used to hate the advent of the Sunday evening. Probably it had something to do with he inevitable Monday morning, or maybe it was due to the fact that it marks the end of a perfect weekend.
I have now come to appreciate and like Sunday evening, it gives me the perfect relaxed time that I look forward to all week. No, before you ask,Saturday evenings do not compare as more often than not there are obligations and chores to attend to. Saturday is used to fix the functional part of the week to come. Sunday evenings on the other hand, fix the inner mind pepping it for the week ahead.
There was a time, not so long ago again, when Saturday night implies party night. No matter what, and where, Saturday night would immediately conjure the internal mood to get ready for night full of fun, frolic and a lot of liquids.
With a heavy head, and a tired body, I would wake up to a packet of maggi for my starved tummy. Wrapping up the weekend, I would attend to chores for the week to come. I guess this is the reason for the hatred to the Sunday evening – fun over, back to work feeling.
That now seems like a bygone era.
Now a days, my weekends have been in hibernation mode, spending time in solitude with myself.
Sunday evenings especially.
So, how do you spend your Sunday evenings?